I’m really showing my Australian roots with this post because, in case you weren’t aware, Australians are notoriously keen on the humble fritter.

But who can blame us, corn fritters are the best breakfast treat – don’t you agree? Well, I actually know a few people who despise corn – so they’d very likely disagree. But pfft! Who could hate corn?!

Anyway, we’ve been having a bit of a sunny spell here in Belfast (at time of writing, we’ve returned to grey skies – what a surprise!) so perhaps that’s what sparked my need to devour some corn fritters.

A little nostalgia trip. A need to feel just a little closer to Australia. Despite the many thousands of miles that lie between Northern Ireland and that sunburnt country floating around the Pacific Ocean in the southern hemisphere.

So, with Australia on my mind, I journeyed into the kitchen and cooked up, what I think, is a rather respectable corn fritter.

Vegan corn fritter

They are wonderfully easy to make, and before you can say “G’day mate, how ’bout them fritters?” you’ll be chowing down on a delicious brunch. (Disclaimer: it’s impossible to make these fritters quicker than you can say “G’day mate, how ’bout them fritters?” – trust me, I tried) 

Vegan corn fritter

Now, corn fritters by themselves just won’t cut it if you ask me. You need something saucy to really set them off. Which is where the homemade baked beans step in. Smoky, sweet and wonderfully saucy.

Sandwich some fresh avocado between the beans and the fritters, and you my friend, have a breakfast fit for kings!

Vegan corn fritter

Vegan Corn Fritters

Makes 8 fritters

Recipe adapted from Making Thyme for Health 

2 teaspoons oil (of your choice) for cooking
3 cups of shredded courgette (about 3 courgettes)
200g corn
3 garlic cloves minced
3/4 cup plain flour
2 teaspoons cumin
1 teaspoon garam masala
1 teaspoon oregano
Salt & Pepper to season


  1. To a large mixing bowl add shredded courgette, corn, garlic, plain flour, cumin, garam masala, oregano, along with a little sprinkling of salt and pepper.
  2. Stir until well combined and set aside for a few minutes to allow it all to come together
  3. Heat your oil of choice (I used olive oil) in a frying pan over medium-high heat
  4. Scoop a 1/4 cup of your mixture into your hands and mould into patties – repeat until all your mixture is gone
  5. Place patties in your frying pan and cook each side for 4-5 minutes or until golden brown
  6. Dish them up and enjoy warm!

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Just a plant-based wanderer from Australia with an unhealthy love of donuts. Currently based in Belfast, UK.